Heaven has a new angel

My heart is heavy and sad as tears stream down my face today. God called another little angel to heaven with him today. Mac, who has been fighting cancer for a year and a half or better, finally ended her suffering and pain today and went to be with the Lord.

Mac, who was 8 years old, and kind of an adopted grand-daughter to my momma, was a kind sweet, brave little girl. She fought hard to beat this cancer. She fought hard for her mommy and daddy. She fought till the very end. Her mommy and daddy should be so proud of the lives she’s touched and impacted over the course of her journey.

I can’t even begin to image what they are feeling, but I know my God does and my God is with them. He is wrapping his arms around them right now with peace and comfort that surpasses all understanding. He will lift them up and always be right there with them.

I ask you all to say a prayer for them. For everyone that is sad that she passed. For all the lives she touched I pray they continue to remember little Mac and all she was. She will always be missed but never forgot.

Rest in Jesus’ arms now Mac. YOU ARE FREE!!!



Showing the Love of Christ

So lately, I’ve been dealing with some spiritual warfare. The kind that brings you to your knees and has you begging for Gods mercy. The kind that’s so exhausting all you want to do is run into a hole and hide.

Then it hits me! Show the love of Christ. Show it to the man cussing you out at the gas station for parking at a gas pump instead of a space. Show it to the rude cashier at Walmart. Show it to the lonely girl sitting at the library. Show it to your kids when they’re driving you nuts and chaos is all around. Show it to your husband who needs you to show it to him.

The problem lies with the effort and energy it takes to do that. It is SO much easier to just roll your eyes, snarl you nose, and backlash at all the above situations. BUT, you don’t have to. Yet, many a days, many a times I do. Then I kick myself in the pants for being just what the enemy wants me to be. I’m working on it…..

We all have evil in us. What we do with that evil is up to us. We all have good within us as well. And that good can stomp out, beat down, and overcome any evil we have. The light always shines, even in the darkness.

So today, I’ll try my hardest, with the help of prayer and my savior, to shine in the darkness, wherever it may be, and show the love of Christ to those who need it. AND….. if I ifail, I’ll pick myself up and try again. Because in the end, it’s the effort that we make that makes a difference.


Make Dinner Easy

I’m writing today to share a little secret with you. Are you ready? I’m a one pot wonder kind of cook. I know probably not the best for the family as there isn’t much variety in a meal, but I have to. I have a large family. Six kiddos plus the hubs and myself, oh, and not to forget Bella-Boo, the little girl I keep at night, makes 9 of us eating dinner every night. I don’t have the time or the energy per say to slave over the stove cooking a meat, and two sides, plus salad, and dessert. I used to, don’t get me wrong, but lately, or the past few years my cooking passion has went to the dumps.

I’m reaching out to you my readers, friends, and family for some exciting new one pot dinner dishes that I could make to spice things up a bit. I used to love cooking but now it’s more of a chore than a hobby. It’s lets get dinner on the table before 7pm and be done. Maybe it’s the baby hanging on my leg. Or the lack of energy after schooling 5 children all day. I don’t know but I need help.

If you have a one pot dinner, casserole, crock pot meal you can share I’d truly be indebted to you. Please leave a comment and share share share! I promise my family will be grateful not to eat veggie soup for yet another night 🙂
